Jaguars Football
**The Jaguar Football: Two people against two people this division includes two parts: A- Fixed goal keeper B-Moveable goal tender A-the fixed goal tender: The intention of this game is to score goals to the opponent team with the plastic toy-men. Each team can have eleven plastic toy-men, out of which five ones are fixed and six ones are reserved. In this game, there are two people in one team who, in concert together, should shoot the ball into the opponent team goal line while there is another person who controls the goal and, if necessary, helps the other player in scoring a goal to the opponent or in defending the goal with his cooperation according to the rules observed in the game. The game time: The time of the game is fourteen minutes which is divided into two twenty–minute halves with a ten-minute rest time the field size: It is 6*4 in this field.B-the moveable goal keeper: The aim of this game is to score goal to the opponent team with the plastic toy-men. Each team can have eleven plastic toy-men who are controlled by two individuals and there are two toy-men in the goals of each player while there are also eight fixed and three reserved toy-men forming the team going by the game rules.
The game time:
The time of the game is fourteen minutes which is divided into two twenty–minute halves with a ten-minute rest time the field size: It is 6*4 in this field.