Inventor of sport
The only SuperElite of Iran is the owner of style, place, invention, Innovation and establishing in seven Category as follows : Entrepreneurship,medical, scientific, technology engineering, aerospace, social, Culture and Art and sport throughout Iran and the world. He has developed more than 25 invention registration of science-research theory in the world.
Religion: inventor of smart Prayer rug, establisher of software and hardware technology of training Prayin the Islamic world. The first achievement of technology-aided training pray in the world. Veryvaluableachievement to pray for religious person. He is the first person who an invention in this field has been registered in his name.
Medicine: inventor of medical Automation in the world by inventing Automatic- Grade Automation of smart control in medicine industry Science, technology, engineering: the first expert of international smart control with implementing and maintaining more than 70 national projects. Management of smart control systems of Jihad university project of Sharif University of Technology. Establisher and designer of the first Recmont gateway Drawing in the world and designing the first smart control website throughout the world.
Aerospace: having two scientific theory in the field of Aerospace presented to NASA and 8 years research in the field of Space and Galaxy and registering scientific theories in department for national documents registration .
Social: management of several NGO and international and domestic companies and holding Festivals and scientific arch conferences and holding different exhibits in the fields of science and sport and receiving different awards in domestic and international festivals and establishing the first NGO in Youth national organization
Culture and art: establisher, producer and director and designer of the first animation smart control of building in the world. Winner of the statute of national festival of Entrepreneurshipandcreativity and winning reward of several international movie in the world registered in national artworks registration unit. Producer and director of more than 20 movies and animations in the country.
Sport: establisher of Iranian new sports: the youngest President of the Federation in the world. Top scorer in Rug football in the world with 810 goal up to now and more than 40 Championship title in different matches of rug football in the world. The only great coach in the sport field of rug football in the world. TopEntrepreneur of country in 1389.