Rug Football
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Entrepreneur, founder and inventor talent within several fields of Engineering, Sport, Astronomy,
Medical, Social and Culture with protected and registered invention ideas globally……..

  • Master Degree (MSc) in Telecommunication Technology – Deutsche Telekom Training GmbH – 2008
  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Electronic Management Technology – 2010
  • Bachelor Degree (BA) in Business Managementfrom Sharif University – 2005
  • Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Software Engineeringfrom 2007– 2009
  • PHD Honorary International 2018

Positions, Qualifications&Awards

  1.  President of the International Federation of RUG Football(IRFEM) – since 2006 -2018
  2.  President of RUG Football Association under the Ministry of Sport and Youth – since 2006 -2018
  3.  President of Sports Committee under the State General Administration of Sport – since 2006 -2018
  4.  The father of RUG Football with top scores of 1994 -2018
  5.  CEO of RUG Football Company Ltd, the only licensed company to produce, supplyand distribute RUG Football’sequipment internationally.
  6.  Secretary of the Board of RUG Football under the Cultural Organization ofTehran Municipality.
  7. Secretary of Iran Sport Exhibition under administration of United Nations.
  8. Senior adviser and representative of International Zurkhaneh Sports Federation (IZSF).
  9. Holder of Sport Science and Management Certificate from the National Olympic Academy.
  10. Holder of International Olympic Day Certificate from National Olympic Academy.
  11. Certified in Professional Sport Psychology from Martin Perry.
  12. Holder of Sport Management Certificatefrom the 12thAsianSnooker Championship.
  13.  Certified International Leadership in Sport for All (CLC) from the Association of International Sport for All (TAFISA).
  14. Awarded as Top Entrepreneur of the year, published in the book of young entrepreneurs – 2010
  15. Awarded as top goal scorer in both Lion and Tiger games of RUG Football.
  16.  Futsal Championship with Basij team of the Bank of Industry and Mine – 2008

Business Management System (BMS)


Positions, Qualifications& Awards

  1.  CEO of TajlilPardazandehayeHoshmand Pars (Intelligence Processing) – 2015 to 2018
  2. Qualified in PLC (Power Line Carrier & Program Logic Control) systems – 2000-2002
  3.  Holder of Seven International certificates in the field of electronicsfrom 2000 – 2003
  4.  Member of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Society – 2007 to 2013
  5.  Head of Intelligent Control System of Passive Defense in JihadeDaneshgahiDepartment of Sharif University – 2010 to 2013
  6.  Holder of InternationalBMScertificate from Industrial Research and TrainingCenter –2007
  7.  Holder of Instrumentation and Control certificate from SiemensLtd. – 2007
  8. Certified Mini PLC (Logo) Software/Hardware System from Siemens Ltd. –2007
  9. Representative of Honeywell Inc.and specialist in Control Center of Iran (CCI) – 2005 to 2006
  10.  BMS consultant forNongah, an engineering and architect of town planning company – 2008
  11.  BMS consultant for ParsAmad Co.– 2006 to 2011
  12.  BMS consultantfor Central Bank of Industry and Mining – 2006 to 2010
  13. BMS consultant forIranianNational TV Broadcasting (finance department)– 2006 to 2008
  14. BMS consultantforBank of Expert Development – 2009
  15.  Project DirectorinDidehbanDej Inc.– 2010
  16.  Research director of R&D management inBahrekar Co. the representative of German Kieback&Peter company – 2009-2016
  17.  Executive project manager atDidehbanDej, Inc. – 2011
  18. BMS specialist at Central Bank of Sepah – 2011
  19. Project director and architect of the first Intelligent Control System for central server of the Ministry of Posts and Communications – 2012
  20. Project Manager and inventor of the first Intelligent Control System for RackMount of Bank of Industry and Mining – 2009

Academic Achievements


Positions, Qualifications& Awards

  1. Member of Inventor Association of Iran – 2007 to 2011
  2.  Awarded second place in Iran’s Exceptional Talents and Elites – 2011
  3. Elected as Scientific fromthe National Youth Organization of Tehran Province – 2008
  4. Awarded as Top Iranian Entrepreneur – 2010
  5. Presentedtwo scientific theories(after 8 years of research in the field of astronomy)to the International Space Station NASA, which has been registered in the National Library and Archive of Iran – 2008
  6.  Founder of innovative religious technology, registered inIran and also appreciated by Muslim society – 2010
  7.  Founder and inventor of modern sport in the history of Iran.
  8. Professor entrepreneurship with teaching experiencein Educational Intellectual University – 2010
  9. Elected Judge for the 4 thNational Festival of Innovation at National Elites Foundation.
  10. Presented group work plan of strategic and intelligent control system for Central Bank of Sepah, which has been supported by members of Parliament at Consultative Assembly.
  11.  Awarded confirmation from Prayers Chief for the invention of Smart Prayer Mat.
  12.  Holder of international qualification in Stress and Memory Management – 2014
  13. Holder of international qualification in Sales and Marketing – 2014
  14. Holder of international qualification in E-marketing – 2015

Ideas, Implementations&Registrations

  1.  Intheprocessofinternational patentregistrationinGermany for new invention in Electro-Robot.
  2. RegistrationofSmartPrayerMatinNationalHeritagebyDeputyofLegalandParliamentary Affairs in Ministry of Culture and Guidance – 2010
  3. Registration of RUGFootball in National Heritage by Deputy of Legal and ParliamentaryAffairs in Ministry of Culture and Guidance – 2010
  4.  Innovator and founderofRUGFootballgamealong with the registration of RUG football in the National Library andPhysical Education Organization of Iran.
  5. Received 4 PatentCertificatesformtheInstituteof IntellectualDevelopmentforChildren and Young Adults.
  6.  Implementation of BMS Animation Reporting Systemfor the National TV Broadcasting of Iran, the department of Administrative and Finance.
  7.  Implementation of BMS Animation Reporting System for the Central Bank of Industry and Mining.
  8.  Implementation of BMS Animation ReportingSystem for the National Library of Iran.
  9. Registering the innovationof Animation Reporting SystemforIntelligent Control (for the first time) in the artifacts and documents unit of the National Library and Archives of Iran.
  10. Designer of 4different sport logos for RUG Football including the registration of the artifacts and documents unit of National Library and Archives of Iran.
  11.  Registering RUG Football game in France 2011
  12.  Innovator and architect of IntelligentAnimation Reporting for LPR, HRP systems for Kieback& Peter along with achieved qualification for the system.
  13. Certified from Invent-Tech, the patent network in United States.
  14.  CertifiedpatentfromCompanies RegistrationandIndustrialProperty Organization of the Judiciary in the field of Automatic Press Table Machine.
  15.  Certified patent from Company Registration and Industrial Property Organization of the Judiciary for inventionof Automatic Temperature Applicable in Medical Industry.
  16.  Certified from Company Registration and Industrial Property Organization of the Judiciary in the field of Spring-loaded Clamp for Industrial and Domestic Use.
  17.  Certified from Company Registration and Industrial Property Organization of the Judiciary for the inventionof sport tools for RUG Football in the Tigers football branch.
  18.  Certified from Company Registration and Industrial Property Organization of the Judiciary for the invention Smart Prayer Mat.


Technical Projects
Implementations & Maintenance

  1. Configuration and implication of BMS in the National Library of Iran – 2006
  2. Providing Animation Reporting checklists in launching the Control Center Inc. (for the first time).
  3.  Installation of BMS systems for Power Room and AIR HandlingUnit in PasteurInstitute.
  4. Project manager of Software applications for BMS Monitoring System of Power Room and FCU projects in Central Bank of Industry and Mining.
  5.  BMS maintenance contract for the Bank of Industry and Mining.
  6.  BMS maintenance contract for the National TV Broadcasting of Iran (IRIB), the department of Administrative and Finance.
  7. Familiar with BMS systems of the buildings of Parliament, the Tower of Bucharest, theNational Archives, the National Library, and the Bank of Export Development.
  8. Maintaining IRIB Honeywell project for more than 2 years including debugging the software applications and re-configuration of the system without Honeywell supports.
  9. Setting up and launching a sound system for 5differentDiplomatic Police Campuses while serving military service in 2 years.
  10.  Designing and launching the Intelligence Central Control Panel and Board for theBank of Industry and Mining, this project has significant for the following reasons:
  • The world’s first Intelligent Control Panel in banking system.
  • Linking Automated Logic System with Intelligent Control System with successful reconfiguration.

Simulation ProjectsTop 15 Animation and Video Projects

  1.  Implementation of BMS animation for the Central Control Company along with the registration anddocumentation in the National Library of Iran.
  2. Implementation of BMS animation for the American company, Honeywell AHU in Power Room and Cooling Tower,along with the registration and documentation in the National Library of Iran.
  3.  Designing animated Optimize Fuel Consumption for the Kieback& Peter including the technical introductionto equipment of Air Handling Unit (AHU). Also achieved certificate from the same company.
  4. Designing an animation for automation of Milad Tower’s Congress Hall and earning related certificate from the Kieback& Peter.
  5. Designing an engineering video clip for MahtabSanaatFardaCompany, this has been registered and documented in the documentation unit of the National Library of Iran.
  6. Designing a technical video clip for the Bank of Industry and Mining, considering the precise structure of the building based on AutoCAD dimensions along with the registration and documentation in the National Library of Iran.
  7. Designing a technical video clip for Parinab Company along with the registration and documentation in the National Library of Iran.
  8. Designing animated video clips for RUG Football with suggested traditional clothing.
  9.  Implementation of several educational clips for RUG Football (Olympic Tigers Football)  including the registration and documentation in the National Library of Iran.
  10. Designing animations for advertisement and marketing of RUG Football.
  11. Designing video clip of RUG Football for theConference of Cultural Center in Tochal.
  12. Presenting RUG Football video clip to UNICEF to attract children and youth.
  13. Designing video clip for RUG Football in the Conference of ShahidChamran Stadium.

Conferences andFestivals

Organization & Participating

  1. Organizing the first conference to introduce RUG Football to the worldatShahidChamranStadium – 2008
  2.  Organizing an event tointroduce RUG Football in theKouhsar forest park.
  3.  Special guest in the 7  th Specialized Exhibition of Sports and Fitness Equipment – 2008
  4. Attendance in the 3rdFestival of Electing Country’s Top Entrepreneur – 2008
  5. Organizing conference to introduce RUG Football at TochalCultural Center – 2009
  6.  Organizing conference to introduce RUG Football in SalamatCultural House – 2009
  7.  Organizing seminarto introduce RUG Football to the Municipality of Tehran in Shafagh Park – 2009
  8.  Organizing an eventto introduce RUG Football at the Invitation of RefahChain Stores Co. – 2009
  9. Organizing conference presenting RUG Football to UNICEF at the invitation of VistaKindergarten in Saei Park – 2009
  10. Introducing RUG Football at the Child Electronic Exhibition – 2009
  11.  Presenting an orientation conference for RUG Football at the invitation of the 3rdTehran Municipality Physical Education exhibition for 14 days at Razi Park – 2010
  12. Organizing an exhibition to present and praise EhsanMoeini’s registered inventions atFerdowsiCultural Center – 2010
  13. Presenting an opening anniversary of RUG Football at SarvCultural Center with accompaniment of  Vista Kindergarten – 2010
  14.  Organizing an event inPardisan Park Centre for the occasion of World Children’s Day and demonstrating RUG Football to children.
  15. Establishing RUG Football training as an elective course in Mashhad Ferdowsi University of Physical Education including the training of coaches – 2010
  16. Introducing RUG Football to the Deputy Minister of Sports in the Island of Kish – 2011
  17. Holding an exhibition of RUG Football for MapnaCompany in the Ministry of Energy Stadium – 2011
  18. Holding the first RUG Football championship in the province of Tehran forTigers branch – 2012
  19. Holding the first RUG Football championship in the province of Tehran forLion branch – 2012
  20.  Holding the first RUG Football championship in the province of Tehran forOlympic Tigers – 2012
  21. Holding the first RUG Football country clubs for Tigers branch – 2012
  22.  Holding the first RUG Football country clubs for Lion branch – 2012
  23.  Holding the first RUG Football country clubs for Olympic Tigers branch – 2012
  24. Participating in the IpasExhibition as project director of DejControl Co. – 2012
  25. Participating in the 4thNational Festival of Innovation and Development of NationalElites Foundation to present new invention – 2012

Appreciation Certificates

Awards & Appreciation

  1.  Appreciation from Kieback&Peter (Bahrekar Automation) for the top animation in the field BMS.
  2.  Appreciation from Kieback&Peter for the top animation of Milad Tower and conference halls.
  3.  Appreciation from Kieback&Peter for the top animated Intelligence Report for LRP and HRP.
  4.  Appreciation from Department of Physical Education (Board of Sport for ALL)for successfully managing RUG Football as President of the Sports Committee.
  5. Appreciation from Tochal Cultural center for holding RUG Football orientation conference.
  6.  Appreciation from Salamat Cultural center for holding RUG Football orientation conference.
  7.  Appreciation from municipality of Tehran for holding RUG Football orientation conference.
  8.  Appreciation from vice president and president of the National Youth institution after electing as top entrepreneur in the country – 2010.
  9.  Appreciation for being scientific and cultural elite in Fordows cultural center byDr. Shoushtari, the deputy of Tehran Municipality.
  10.  Appreciation from the Director of Physical Education in Tehran, Mr. Eftekhari.
  11.  Appreciation for holding BMS educational training in Nour O NamayeSepehr Co.
  12.  Appreciation for holding BMS educational classes in Pars Amad Co.
  13.  Appreciation for holding BMS educational classes in AsanTajhiz e Pars Co.
  14. Appreciation for holding BMS educational classes in Armin BoroudatGharb Co.
  15.  Appreciation from Assistant Secretary and Head of the Centre for Development ofInformation Technology and Digital Media.
  16. Appreciation from the General Director of the Board of Tehran Province, Mr. Azad.

Technical Skills

Electronic & Computer Skills

  1. Expert in implementing Smart Home Systems.
  2. Expert in Honeywell Systems, including Care, Display Builder, XBS, EBI and BMS HoneywellInstallation and Configuration.
  3.  Familiar with ICDL Applications.
  4. Familiar with both software and hardware systems of Automated Logic.
  5. Familiar with both software application and hardware systems of Automated Logic.
  6.  Familiar with both software application and hardware systems of TAC.
  7.  Expert in Access Control, HVAC, CCTV, Elevator, Lighting,Power Block and AIR HandlingUnit.
  8. Familiar with Kieback& Peter Systems.
  9.  Familiar with Simens Systems.
  10. Familiar with Kieback& Peter Systems.
  11. Expert in Telecommunication Systems of Telettracompany(Italian) and Nardin Company(British).
  12. Expert in FX Telecommunication Systems, including operation and installation of microwave and mastering the MDFsystems, PBX andMDF ARU systems.
  13.  Industrial Automation Building Systems (BMS).
  14. Familiar with animation applications including, 3DMax, Flash, Primier and Video Editors.
  15. Familiar with management applications such as UML and DBMS.
  16. Expert in Networkingapplications.

Other Ideas, Researches and Interests

  • Familiar with International Law.
  • Familiar with different style of music in the world.
  • Interested in Geographic Sciences and Philosophical Sciences.
  • Interested in astrology and have been solved the greatest scientific challenges of century,

which has been presented to the NASA.

Sport Championships
Country Champion of Tiger Football – Persian Gulf Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football Tehran Provincial championship, Tiger game – 2011
  • Champion of RUG Football Tehran Provincial championship as best Capitan and Coach, Tiger game – 2011
  • Champion of RUG Football Country Clubs championship, Olympic Tiger game – 2011
  • Champion of RUG Football Country Clubs championship as best Capitan and Coach, Lion game – 2011
  • Champion of RUG Football Country Clubs championship, Tiger game – 2011

Local Champion of Tiger Football – Persian Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2004
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2003
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2002
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2001
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1999
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1998
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1997
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1996
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1995

Local Champion of Tiger Football – TakhteJamshid Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2006
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2004
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2002
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 2000
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1998
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1996
  • Champion of RUG Football local championship, Tiger game – 1994

Kocho League Champion of Tiger Football – Kahkeshani Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football Kacho League championship, Tiger game – 1999
  • Champion of RUG Football Kacho League championship, Tiger game – 1998
  • Champion of RUG Football Kacho League championship, Tiger game – 1997
  • Champion of RUG Football Kacho League championship, Tiger game – 1996
  • Champion of RUG Football Kacho League championship, Tiger game – 1995

Brit League Champion of Tiger Football – Kahkeshani Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football Brit League championship, Tiger game – 1999
  • Champion of RUG Football Brit League championship, Tiger game – 1998
  • Champion of RUG Football Brit League championship, Tiger game – 1997
  • Champion of RUG Football Brit League championship, Tiger game – 1996

La Liga Local Champion of Tiger Football – Khazar Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football La Liga Local championship, Tiger game – 1998
  • Champion of RUG Football La Liga Local championship, Tiger game – 1997
  • Champion of RUG Football La Liga Local championship, Tiger game – 1996

Continental Champion of Tiger Football – Persian Gulf Cup

  • Champion of RUG Football Continental championship, Tiger game – 2002
  • Champion of RUG Football Continental championship, Tiger game – 2000
  • Champion of RUG Football Continental championship, Tiger game – 1998
  • Champion of RUG Football Continental championship, Tiger game – 1996
  • Champion of RUG Football Continental championship, Tiger game – 1994


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